February 8, 2025

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Eric Howe received his B.A. (1973, cum laude) from Wittenberg University and Ph.D. (1982) from University of Maryland. He was a Graduate Fellow at University of Maryland, where his education included research experience with INFORUM, the Interindustry Forecasting Project. His formal education has been supplemented by extensive practical experience performing economic analyses, including employment by the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Applied Mathematics Division of the National Bureau of Standards, and the United States Agency for International Development. He has done research for Environment Canada, Transport Canada, the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Government of Saskatchewan, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, the Prince Albert Grand Council, the General Council of the Métis Settlements of Alberta, SaskTel, PanCanadian Petroleum, Rawlco Communications, Kitikmeot Corporation, Nuna Logistics, Cameco, and others. In addition, he has provided expert testimony in several civil legal proceedings.

Eric joined the University of Saskatchewan in 1979, where he is a professor of economics. His specialties are Aboriginal social policy research, economic forecasting, economic modelling, microeconomic theory, and the economies of Saskatchewan and the arctic. His research is documented in an extensive list of publications in professional journals, including articles in Econometrica, Journal of Regional Science, Canadian Public Policy, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, Arctic, and American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He has received numerous teaching awards.

In addition to his professional responsibilities, Eric enjoys attending theatre, cooking, backpacking, snowshoeing, canoeing, and being a grandfather.

Download a copy of Eric Howe’s CV by clicking here.

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